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홈 홈 > 개설강좌 > 보육교직원용 > 온라인교육 프린트

강좌아이콘 2024 safety education forchildcare providers

과정분류 온라인 교육
신청기간 2024. 01. 22 00:00 ~ 2024. 09. 04 24:00
교육기간 2024. 01. 22 ~ 2024. 09. 04
학습시간 120 분 수강료 무료
신청/전체 2898/50000 평가유무 없음




( ※ mobile online training cannot be takenor completed. please take the course in the pc environment. ) 


in accordance with article 16 of the child safety management actand article 9 of the enforcement decree of the same act, 

workers at child-use facilities must complete child safety education including first aid practice forat least 4 hours each year. 



□ target: workers at 22 types of child-use facilities (academies, daycare centers, child welfare facilities, etc.) 


□ course contentand time: 2 classes in total (2 hours, no separate evaluation)

   ▶ 1st session: general discussion of emergency situations, countermeasures forforeign body, convulsions, various traumas, etc.

   ▶ 2nd session: definitionand importance of cpr, how to use it, etc.

   ※ please downloadand use the textbook file (pdf)orom ‘user guide’ - ‘notice’

        – ‘download 2023 safety education theory course materials forworkers at children’s facilities’ at the top. 


□ how to apply: apply by clicking the course registration button at the top (you can apply after logging in)


□ print certificate of completion: there is no certificate of completion forthe course, 

   and the certificate can be printed only after completing the practice (group face-to-face) course.

    ※ forpractice (group face-to-face) courses, you can check the scheduleand apply by searching after entering the 'name of the course'

       - 'course name' at the top 


□ notes

- if the video is stopped before the lecture of each session is completed, the course details forthat session will not be saved.

  please exit after completing each session to the end.

- courses must be taken in theorder of each class,and there is no separate evaluation procedure after taking the second class.

- the copyright of the video (2023 safety education forworkers at children's facilities) belongs to the ministry of public administrationand

   securityand the korea child care agency.


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