2024 Educational program on child abuse prevention
(※ mobile online training cannot be takenand completed, please take it on a pc environment)
in accordance with article 26 of the child welfare actand article 26 of the enforcement decree of the same act, a person who is obligated to report child abuse
every year, you must complete at least 1 hour of training related to child abuse preventionand reporting obligations.
this video is for'mandated reporters' only.
this video is for'child abuse reporting obligortraining' only.
'child abuse prevention education (in conjunction with continuing education)' must be completed separately.
target: childcare staff at daycare centers
training contentand time: 4 hours in total with post-training evaluation (1 hour)
1st definition of "child abuse"and related laws
2nd types of child abuseand signs of abuse
3rd child abuse reportingand child abuse handling system
4th preventive education(mandated reporters)and the current state of child abuse
how to apply: click the apply button on the top to apply (can be applied after logging in)
□ print out the certificate: after completing the training, go to the e-learning homepage > my page > my classroom 'completed course' > click certificate
□ notes
- if you stop the video before completing each lesson, the course history of that lesson will not be saved.
please complete each lesson before exiting.
- you must take each lesson inorder,and you must complete the evaluation after the 2th lesson to receive a certificate of completion.
- this video is copyrighted by the ministry of healthand welfareand the children's defense fund.